About us


We are the faces behind Up-Cycle House: Tiina (from Finland) and Giona (from Italy). We met nearly two decades ago on a YWAM, Christian mission's training program in Italy but it wasn't until 2016 when we tied the knot, and started to plan and save up for starting our community house, a project that we had both been dreaming about for years! 

We share our passion for social justice, love for nature, cultures, food and arts (and have a good dose of DIY spirit), hiking, contemplative spirituality, animals, architecture, and traveling... In short: we love people and God. 

Over the past few years Tiina has been teaching in Montessori schools. Before her career in education Tiina worked with refugees and young adults in cross-cultural discipleship training programs and media projects. She has lived, worked, studied and travelled to 35 countries and has her degree in arts. Tiina loves to gather people around a long table to share stories. 

Giona is a passionate explorer of the natural and social sciences and never stops studying. For the most part he's been developing and designing electrical machines and android software. His passions include gardening, meditation, natural building, Enneagram, creative use of resources and community development. Giona has also ventured into learning Arabic and Finnish.

Up-Cycle House
Tutti i diritti riservati 2020
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