Sustainable Spirituality

The fundamental reason that inspires us to build a community house is to craft more authentic life true to our values. We have made a list of 10 themes that we cherish as core to our existence. We wish to dedicate one month to reflect on, study, read about, discuss and seek to apply in new ways each of these themes that we like to call "Practices of Sustainable Spirituality".


1. Practice of community

Interdependence as a spiritual practice and collectivism as a value


2. Practice of silence and solitude

Meditation, reading, prayer walks, pilgrimage etc. as spiritual practices and disciplines


3. Practice of reconciliation, forgiveness and peace making

"Forgive, and you will be forgiven." -Jesus, the way to peace and freedom. Enneagram as a tool to greater self-awareness and of the other. 


4. Practice of gratitude, celebrations and rituals

Collective and personal rituals to remember who we are and what is valuable for us, past victories and future hope.


5. Practice of rhythm, seasonal living and rest

Retreat: establishing yearly rhythm for nurturing faith and a personal rule of life


6. Practice of curiosity, asking questions and having honest conversations

Christianity is a relationship they say; how good conversations with yourself, God and the people in your life shape your life


7. Practice of praying hands, arts and crafts, play

Becoming like children, creativity as central point of our spirituality


8. Practice of gardening

Monastic life style. Why food production and nutrition matters


9. Practice of simplicity, contentment, minimalism and low-waste

Finances, abuse vs. using the right resources, and other God-given mandates


10. Practice of charity

Who is my neighbor? ethical consumption, community projects, displacement, taking responsibility for natural crises...

We feel strongly called to a life of essentialists. It's kind of fashionable right now to practice essentialism, but I think it's more needed than ever. As we load our lives with more and more it restores our sanity to come back to the question "is it necessary?" "is this essential?" constantly.

I think this is theme has been one of the biggest areas of my spirituality this year. When we were looking for a new home outside of our tiny city appartment in Milan, we wanted more than anything else two things: big table to sit around with many people and a community garden project. Just like that we have...

I guess the biggest inspiration for our move to Biella was live closer to the nature in order to be able to have more space and time to make, play and create. We could have started a community house in a bigger city too but we felt the neccessity to be closer to the nature in order to create,...

Some of the dearest books to me tackle the great questions of life around faith, society and relationships. Mere Chrsitianity by C.S. Lewis, How Should We Then Live? by Francis A. Schaeffer and Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott to mention the first three that comes to mind.

We have been thinking a lot about the rhythm of life, and how for us, it is important to follow the natural rhythm of seasonal changes of the nature around where we live.

There is always (always) so much to be grateful for. And I'm so aware of it right now, yet I feel like a massive hypocrite to write this post at the moment. The reason is that I find myself complaining constantly. It's been an autumn like no other and I guess I have burnt down my battery in processing, adjusting, handling all the emotions etc. ...

The spiritual practice of October was solitude. Solitude turns out to be so incredibly difficult for me that I could not get myself to write an entry on it. I read some excellent chapters by wonderful authors on solitude and its fundamental nature for our spiritual formation. So I could attempt to put together an informative reflection on the...

When we dreamt about starting a community house we felt strong about certain values or life themes that have become a golden line to us over the years. Rather than guidelines of our community or similar to monastic "rule of life" they are practices that make our spirituality, living our Christian faith sustainable for us.

Up-Cycle House
Tutti i diritti riservati 2020
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