Covid-19 and the end.


I like to be a bit dramatic (some would say VERY dramatic). The truth is that since the beginning of the year I had had this strange feeling of some major changes. Not the kind of like, the climate change is real and we need to do something, or I'm about the move, or get a new job or my sister is going to be a mum or the other regular "circle of the life" type of change. But like a massive change. More like "the world is about to end"-kind of change. And surely enough the global pandemic was announced. Whether these news have effected you or not (or you want to admit how huge the implications actually are- you know what I'm talking about even if you don't like to admit it.) it is not going to be a matter of couple of months of lock down where some people experience devastation and others have a chance to reflect their lives or perhaps to have a little rest and read that book they never had time to read before. I believe we are talking about the beginning of a new era here. Those who study these things knew it was coming already. Every 400 years or so there is a great spiritual and cultural (or just human) awakening. Yes, Renaissance, Reformation.. that stuff. It's time for one now. So, we could say that Covid-19 marks the end of the last era and is the beginning of the great awakening. Some call it revival, the concept is the same: renewal of the human spirits. It's a global shift. Only the future will tell how this one will look like.

I cannot even tell you how much we have anticipated and dreamed about it. We were tired of the rotten, greedy, fear-driven social climate and corrupt economical and political structure. The wise say that the only sure thing in life is change. The change is here.

What shall we change about our lives first? 

Up-Cycle House
Tutti i diritti riservati 2020
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