SS April: Gardening
I think this is theme has been one of the biggest areas of my spirituality this year. When we were looking for a new home outside of our tiny city appartment in Milan, we wanted more than anything else two things: big table to sit around with many people and a community garden project. Just like that we have built a kitchen, found a big table (even built the walls around it) and the people to sit down for a meal with us. The biggest joy for me has been to find a group of people committed to food production: growing a veggie garden together! These people became our new family in our new city and as that wasn't enough I got to join practically for free for a month long intesnive permaculture course in the month of April. Joy! Honestly I cannot right now go more in depth to the spritituality of gardening and the importance of self-food production (and the glory of permacultury lol!) but I want to share these photos from our shared lands of dreams and work with the soil.