SS January: Seasonal Living


We have been thinking a lot about the rhythm of life, and how for us, it is important to follow the natural rhythm of seasonal changes of the nature around where we live.

Winter (roughly from October to March) is time for nature to rest. It is the time for "the unseen": study, self-reflection, quiet slower pace of work and initiative, rest and restoration. Naturally in autumn we gather, harvest and prepare for the long winter months of more static external life.

Summer is the outburst and expression of all the inner life and growth that takes place during the winter months. Spring is awaking of new life, hope and resurrection of the dreams/relationships/projects... that have been buried under the ground, and conserved over the colder months.

We want to tune our personal lives and community activity around this concept of seasonal living as illustrated in the image below: inhale (look inside) - exhale (look outside).

Up-Cycle House
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