SS March: Creativity and Play


I guess the biggest inspiration for our move to Biella was live closer to the nature in order to be able to have more space and time to make, play and create. We could have started a community house in a bigger city too but we felt the neccessity to be closer to the nature in order to create, and build our house with our own hands. This is all because - we believe creating, crafting, making stuff with our hands is a deeply spiritual act. Surrounding ourselves with beauty and engaging in this continues creation work of God, we value our handy work as a spiritual practice.

My sister and a spiritual guide, Kaisa Stenberg-Lee, together with other soul care practitioners cooperate art beautifully into their practice. I have been illustrating Kaisa's project named "Praying Hands" which has been a huge inspiration to us over the past years.

Do you consider journaling, playing an instrument, gardening, cooking, sewing, painting, flower arranging, sketching, building miniature vehichles... prayer?

How do you pray with your hands?

Up-Cycle House
Tutti i diritti riservati 2020
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