The Move


We have indeed moved now to Biella. We have started to work on the house but as much as we would love to share this first construction phase of Up-Cycle House with a small community of people, friends and volunteers it's actually not possible. The covid-19 kind of messed up this part, but then I think everything is going pretty much as it should be. We are making slowly process on the house and choosing the right heating system and insulation materials. 

It's a pretty good time to do any kind of house renovation work in Italy because the government has some financial support programs in place that are often referred as "eco bonus". However we will be spending all of our savings this summer on the house. 

I will be talking about money often on this blog. The simple reason is that almost everything in life is somehow tied to money, well housing, eating, food production, travelling, community living, starting up a small business or trying to live off your art, certainly has to do with money. We have been saving up for this house since we got married (and before that I was saving up for my dream projects already. Basically I have been always saving.).  It took us three years to put the money together to be able to buy the house, which we did mortgage-free last summer. It took us one more year on top of that to save enough money to renovate the first floor (where we are camping right now. lol). I have broken down the house renovation project in 4 year junks based on how much I estimate we can save in a year and get done with that money. I think it is incredibly satisfying and freeing to live dept-free life and build this house dept-free. That means we are totally financially free basically all the time. If we decided to stop here, we could. That would just mean that the second floor would not get done, until we would keep earning and saving up towards it. Basically we are not bound to anything financially. It's relatively easy to make the money one needs for food and the electricity bill (if you are not off-grid).  The environmentally friendly life style also helps to reduce those costs. 

I find dept-free life style very much in line with the teachings of Jesus in the Bible. I would love to hang out with you and discuss this. What do you think? Do you wish to be financially free? How? 

Up-Cycle House
Tutti i diritti riservati 2020
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