

"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back, everything is different?" I love that quote by C. S. Lewis. Our quarantena in Italy has been very long, and like a colleague of mine yesterday well described the feeling of someone just taking away three months of your life as she pulled out the summer clothes this year without ever getting to wear the spring jacket. It's been a long dark (world wide) tunnel where the scenario - literally, didn't change. Now that we are at the edge of getting our "freedom back" (uuuh, that sounds like a good conversation to have!) it's interesting to notice how everything is different, indeed.

I feel like a different person. I don't know how to describe it. I feel like the world has changed even if I have very little proves of it still. I know our life as a couple has changed and we are just standing at the doorstep of our new life in the mountains.

Speaking of a doorway. I got to join this amazing soul care mini retreat that was all about thresholds and I learnt about the meaning of "the holy pause" standing in a threshold. Oh these spiritual retreats have been so good during the lockdown. Have you ever joined one? You can check out more here:
Up-Cycle House
Tutti i diritti riservati 2020
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