1. Practice of community
Interdependence as a spiritual practice and collectivism as a value
2. Practice of silence and solitude
Meditation, reading, prayer walks, pilgrimage etc. as spiritual practices and disciplines
3. Practice of reconciliation, forgiveness and peace making
"Forgive, and you will be forgiven." -Jesus, the way to peace and freedom. Enneagram as a tool to greater self-awareness and of the other.
4. Practice of gratitude, celebrations and rituals
Collective and personal rituals to remember who we are and what is valuable for us, past victories and future hope.
5. Practice of rhythm, seasonal living and rest
Retreat: establishing yearly rhythm for nurturing faith and a personal rule of life
6. Practice of curiosity, asking questions and having honest conversations
Christianity is a relationship they say; how good conversations with yourself, God and the people in your life shape your life
7. Practice of praying hands, arts and crafts, play
Becoming like children, creativity as central point of our spirituality
8. Practice of gardening
Monastic life style. Why food production and nutrition matters
9. Practice of simplicity, contentment, minimalism and low-waste
Finances, abuse vs. using the right resources, and other God-given mandates
10. Practice of charity
Who is my neighbor? ethical consumption, community projects, displacement, taking responsibility for natural crises...