Remembering Thich Nath Hanh
We want to celebrate our thankfulness for the light sparked by the Vietnamese Zen master Thich Nath Hanh, who left his bodily shape one month ago on January 22.
We want to celebrate our thankfulness for the light sparked by the Vietnamese Zen master Thich Nath Hanh, who left his bodily shape one month ago on January 22.
...has been incredibly challenging full of doubt and sense of solitude. It has been also incredibly spiritually rich. As I'm writing we are both in self-isolation and sick with covid-19. Everything that has happened over the past 12 months has confirmed every single why we are doing what we are doing. We want to live in a community. We...
I guess the biggest genuine dream I ever had in life was this week long excessive Christmas festive with a family and friends with lots of food, lights, dance parties, board games, cooking, baking and talking... lots of staying cozy indoors but also occasionally going for long winter walks. The dream is vivid with precise interior details...
We have indeed moved now to Biella. We have started to work on the house but as much as we would love to share this first construction phase of Up-Cycle House with a small community of people, friends and volunteers it's actually not possible. The covid-19 kind of messed up this part, but then I think everything is going...
"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back, everything is different?" I love that quote by C. S. Lewis. Our quarantena in Italy has been very long, and like a colleague of mine yesterday well described the feeling of someone just taking away three months of your life as she pulled out the summer...
We love Rob Bell. Truly this man really helped me to articulate my faith and deepen my spirituality. He talks so well about God. I haven't listened to him for a long time but wow- it's totally a Rob Bell- time again for me! Lately we are really into listening his thoughts on Grounding and just in general he...
I think this Easter was really special for many of us. We painted eggs because egg is such a great symbol of the true meaning of Easter - the resurrection of Son of God, redeeming the creations and bringing it from death to life. We also made this traditional branch decoration with rainbow colour feathers (we do these things...
I like to be a bit dramatic (some would say VERY dramatic). The truth is that since the beginning of the year I had had this strange feeling of some major changes. Not the kind of like, the climate change is real and we need to do something, or I'm about the move, or get a new job or my...
Every project has to have a name. We wanted to simply name the house because that's what we want to do: to create a community house - a place where people can live together for one day or for years. It's an up-cycle house because that's what we want try to do: upcycle.
We are passionate about hand-crafted life. It takes time to make pasta and bread from scratch and grow some of the food you eat. It takes time to make some of pieces of clothes you wear or the furniture. It takes (maybe a very long time) to fix an old soap factory into a community house. We have decided...